Members' Handbook
All Members representing constituencies that include more than one community will be reimbursed for up to five trips to each community each fiscal year. Members will also be reimbursed under this entitlement for a total of 15 nights’ accommodation, per community, per fiscal year, as well as the accompanying daily costs as they relate to transportation, meals and incidentals. In the fiscal year in which a general election is held, Members will be reimbursed for two trips to each community in the months leading up to the election with a total of six nights accommodation and three trips in the months following the election with a total of nine nights accommodation. Adjustments to allowable trips, not exceeding the maximum allowed, will be made if the dates of an election are significantly changed. All costs associated with these trips will be paid from the appropriation of the Legislative Assembly and it is the intention to cover the costs for the Member only.
Members representing multi-community constituencies who do not live within their constituency are entitled to five trips to each community each year. Members who live within their constituencies are not entitled to reimbursement for trips to their home community. Constituency tour funds can also be used by a member to attend spiritual and cultural gatherings not held in a community but within their constituency, and each of these trips will be counted as a community trip.
Travel arrangements for these trips must be made by Members’ and Precinct Services. Travel and other costs will be reimbursed on the same basis as other types of travel (i.e. most economical fare and Treasury Board Rates). Visits to a Member’s community that are not paid for by the Legislative Assembly do not affect the Member’s entitlement under this section. Where a Member is required to pay a portion of the costs of a chartered aircraft into a community in their constituency or any portion of their expenses while in the community, the trip will be deducted from the Member’s annual entitlement.
Each Member of the Legislative Assembly will be reimbursed for a maximum cost of $1,500 per year, per community, for each community within their constituency, for the purpose of constituency meeting expenses. Members will have access to a global budget for these meetings without restrictions on per community expenses. Allowable expenses may include facility rental, meals or the bulk purchase of food, non-alcoholic beverages, interpretation and translation services if required, and other items necessary for a constituency meeting. Members may access these funds through Members’ and Precinct Services. Members should refer to the definition of constituency meeting set out in Section 93 of this Handbook and to the Indemnities, Allowances and Expense Regulations, Section 11 for more information.
113. Other Constituency Travel
A Member’s travel for constituency business, in addition to the five funded tours per year, may be reimbursed from their Constituency Work Expense Allowance. Travel arrangements for all constituency travel must be made by Members’ and Precinct Services. Clerk approval is required for all out-of-territory travel for constituency business. Usually this type of travel is an add-on to other Legislative Assembly business.
Travel costs for persons other than a Member, or the Member’s Constituency Assistant, will not be reimbursed unless the Member can provide written substantiation to Members’ and Precinct Services that the person is traveling to perform constituency work on the Member’s behalf.
Where a Member or other person travels for constituency business using his or her own transportation, the Member may choose to be reimbursed, or direct that payment be made to the person owed, by either:
the prevailing higher tier Federal Treasury Board rate per kilometer for Government of Canada employees (this rate remains the same regardless of the kind of vehicle used); or
the actual cost of fuel (receipts required).
Members should note that restrictions regarding air charters apply equally to their travel on business as a Member and to constituency travel, and should refer to Section 83 of this Handbook for further details.
113.1 Accommodation
Members travelling on constituency business may be reimbursed under their Constituency Work Expense Allowance for meals and commercial accommodation for the Member or other designated person.
A Member may also be reimbursed under the Allowance for non-commercial overnight accommodation while travelling on constituency business, in the amount set by the Treasury Board of Canada as the daily rate payable in the Northwest Territories. Members must produce a receipt in order to be reimbursed. A claim for reimbursement under this section is allowed, notwithstanding the provisions of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act regarding financial interest by family members.
Accommodation costs for persons other than a Member, or the Member’s Constituency Assistant, will not be reimbursed unless the Member can provide written substantiation to Members’ and Precinct Services that the person is travelling to perform constituency work on the Member’s behalf.