Members' Handbook
Telephones are supplied in Members’ and Constituency Assistants’ offices in the Legislative Assembly building and in the Members’ constituency offices. These telephones must be set up and administered through Members’ and Precinct Services in order to be included in the government accounting system.
Members may also purchase personal mobile devices (i.e. iPhone, Blackberry, iPad, or other tablets). All purchases must be made through Members’ and Precinct Services and are eligible for reimbursement through the Member’s Constituency Work Expense Allowance. Only government owned personal devices will be allowed access to the government network and will be supported by the Technology Service Centre.
Telephone charges originating from the telephones of the Member and their Constituency Assistant, and relating to the Member’s role as an MLA are eligible expenses under the Constituency Work Expense Allowance. It is the responsibility of the Member to report telephone charges that are not deemed to be related to the Member’s role as an MLA to Members’ and Precinct Services and these charges will be the responsibility of the Member.
All Members are entitled to working space within the Legislative Assembly building and to the services of secretarial support staff to assist them in carrying out their duties.
Each regular Member is assigned one Member’s office, located on the second floor of the Legislative Assembly building. Each regular Member is also assigned a second office, directly across the hall from the Member’s office, for use by a Constituency Assistant. The Sergeant-At-Arms may permit Ministers, Members and Legislative Assembly staff to use vacant offices at their discretion for purposes related to the work of the Legislative Assembly.
The allocation of offices to regular Members is determined by seniority in the Assembly, at the beginning of each Assembly. If two or more Members have the same seniority, lots are drawn for first choice. Members wishing to move offices must first consult with, and seek the approval of, the Sergeant-At-Arms.
The Members’ Secretary is available to assist regular Members with typing, photocopying, sending and receiving faxes and sorting mail. Upon request, the Secretary will assist Members in creating a filing system.
At the Member’s direction, mail can be held at the Legislative Assembly, forwarded to the Member’s constituency office or forwarded to the Member’s home. Members’ instructions must be provided in writing. Under no circumstances should any person other than the Member, the Member’s Constituency Assistant, the Members’ Secretary or someone legitimately acting on their behalf, open, interfere with, view or access Members’ Mail.
The cost of outgoing mail is charged to each Member’s Constituency Work Expense Allowance.
Each Member’s office comes equipped with a desk, cabinet, filing drawers, shelves, three chairs and a coat closet.
A personal computer system, fax machine and copier are supplied to each Member by the Legislative Assembly. It is the choice of each Member whether they keep these items in their Legislative Assembly office or elsewhere.
Members may purchase additional equipment and supplies through their Constituency Work Expense Allowances.
Standard Legislative Assembly letterhead is supplied by the Legislative Assembly. A Member may request personalized letterhead through Members’ and Precinct Services and must adhere to the Legislative Assembly Visual Identity Standard and branding. A sample of the letterhead will be required from the Member. The costs for the design and printing of personalized letterhead will be deducted from the Member’s Constituency Work Expense Allowance.
119.3 E-MAIL
Each Member and their Constituency Assistant will be assigned an e-mail address through the GNWT email system upon request. Members and their Constituency Assistants are subject to the Electronic Mail and Internet Use Guidelines of the GNWT. A copy of these Guidelines will be provided to Members by Members’ and Precinct Services.
The Legislative Assembly will provide each Member and Constituency Assistant with a personal computer system. Members and Constituency Assistants will have the opportunity to choose from a range of computer hardware options that are supported by the GNWT Technology Service Centre (TSC). Procurement of all computer hardware and software will be made by Members’ and Precinct Services. This computer equipment is included in the Legislative Assembly Evergreen program. Members wishing to purchase additional computer equipment should refer to Section 103 of this Handbook.
If a piece of the initial computer equipment provided by the Legislative Assembly fails, Members’ and Precinct Services will attempt to arrange a temporary replacement. Costs for the repair of this initial equipment will be paid by the Legislative Assembly. If the equipment cannot be repaired, Members’ and Precinct Services will provide replacement equipment. Replacement costs will be paid by the Legislative Assembly. The cost of repair or replacement of additional computer equipment purchased by the Member must be paid from the Member’s Constituency Work Expense Allowance.
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phones are integrated with the GNWT Computer System and are therefore included in computer equipment.
Pages play a key role in the effective operation of the Legislative Assembly when the House is in Session. They assist in the delivery and collection of House documents, carry messages to and from Members and assist in the preparation of the Chamber for House business.
Pages are students from the Northwest Territories chosen from grades eight and nine. Pages are required to provide completed application forms, indicating why they wish to be selected, a copy of their latest school transcript, a recommendation from their school and both scholastic and personal references.
Four students from each constituency in the Northwest Territories will be selected to serve as Pages each year. The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for the selection, scheduling and supervision of Pages. The Legislative Assembly assumes all costs associated with the Page program, including scheduling, travel, accommodation, meals and supervision while in the capital. The Sergeant-at-Arms has the discretion to remove a Page from their duties and to send them home immediately for poor behavior or failure to carry out their duties in a manner acceptable to the Sergeant-at-Arms.
Once a week during session, Page photos will take place during the daily sessional break. This is an opportunity for Members to have their photo taken with the Page(s) from their constituency. Page photos will be taken by Public Affairs and Communications and will be shared with Members within a reasonable timeframe.