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Rules of the Legislative Assembly


15 (1)Strangers

“Strangers” means any persons admitted to the Assembly Chamber during House proceedings other than the Commissioner, their Aide- de-camp, Members, Officers of the Assembly, legislative pages, witnesses appearing before the Committee of the Whole, and guests invited by the Assembly for ceremonial occasions.

(2) Admitting strangers

With the agreement of the House, strangers may be admitted to designated areas of the Assembly Chamber.

16 Behaviour of strangers

No stranger admitted to the Assembly Chamber shall:


a) send written notes to Members or Assembly staff, except through a page on duty; or


b) use any type of photographic, video, or sound equipment; or any type of handheld or portable electronic device in the Chamber unless previously authorized by the Speaker.

17 (1) Notice of strangers present

When any Member takes notice that strangers are present on the floor of the Chamber, the Speaker or the Chair shall put the question “Shall strangers be ordered to withdraw?” The question shall not be subject to debate or amendment.

(2) Strangers ordered to withdraw

Notwithstanding Rule 17(1), the Speaker or the Chair may at any time order the withdrawal of strangers or the clearing of the gallery.

18 Removal of strangers

The Sergeant-at-Arms shall, when ordered by the Speaker or the Chair,

remove any stranger or visitor to the gallery who engages in misconduct or does not withdraw when directed.


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