Rules of the Legislative Assembly
82 (1) Rules of Committee
The Rules and procedures of the Legislative Assembly shall be observed in Committee of the Whole so far as they are applicable.
(2) Debate
Speeches in Committee of the Whole must be strictly relevant to the item or clause under consideration.
(3) Maintaining order in Committee
The Chair shall maintain order in Committee of the Whole and shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the Speaker.
(4) Disorder in Committee
Disorder in Committee of the Whole may be censured only by the Assembly, on receiving a report from the Committee.
83 (1) Time limit on speaking
No Member shall speak for more than ten minutes at any one time in Committee of the Whole.
(2) Speaking more than once
Subject to the discretion of the Chair, a Member may speak more than once to a matter under discussion but not until every Member wishing to speak has spoken.
84 No seconding of motions
The requirements for seconding motions shall not apply in Committee of the Whole.
85 Ineligible Chairs
The Chair of a Standing or Special Committee who considered a matter shall not chair the Committee of the Whole when that matter is under discussion.
86 Casting vote
The Chair of Committee of the Whole shall not vote except to cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie.
87 (1) Report of progress
The Committee of the Whole shall report to the Assembly on progress regarding bills and other matters under consideration.
(2) Motion for concurrence
The report of progress from Committee of the Whole shall be received and the motion for concurrence shall be disposed of without debate or amendment.
88 (1) Motion to report progress
A motion that the Chair of Committee of the Whole leave the Chair to report progress shall always be in order, shall take precedence over any other motion, and shall not be debatable.
(2) Motion defeated
If a motion referred to in Rule 88(1) is defeated, it cannot be reintroduced unless some intermediate proceeding has taken place.