Rules of the Legislative Assembly
7 (1) Quorum
“Quorum” means the presence of at least ten Members, inclusive of the Member presiding, for any proceeding of the House.
(2) Quorum requirements
The presence of a quorum shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the Assembly.
(3) Adjournment due to lack of quorum
If at the time of meeting the Speaker takes the Chair and finds there is not a quorum, the Speaker shall direct the Clerk to read the orders of the day, and adjourn the Assembly until the next sitting day. All remaining business shall stand over until the next sitting day.
(4) Record of adjournment
When the Speaker adjourns the Assembly for lack of a quorum, the time of adjournment and the names of the Members present shall be recorded in Hansard.
(5) Lack of quorum during sitting
If the attention of the Speaker is drawn to a lack of a quorum during a sitting, the Speaker shall call in the Members for up to 15 minutes. If there is still no quorum, the Speaker shall adjourn the Assembly until the next sitting day.
(6) Lack of quorum in Committee of the Whole
If the attention of the Chair is drawn to a lack of a quorum, the Chair shall call in the Members for up to 15 minutes. If there is still no quorum the Chair shall rise and report to the Speaker.